Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Can anyone help me edit this paragraph please? I really need it! I am the eldest of three children, so I feel that it is up to me to open as many...

The eldest of three children, I have felt responsible for not only myself, but also for my younger siblings. For instance, while I have struggled in the advanced placement and honors classes, I encourage my siblings to challenge themselves as well; in fact, I urge them each quarter of every year to make better grades than I have. In addition, I encourage them to prepare for the future by learning about colleges.  So, again I try to set an example by browsing college websites and by discussing colleges with both teachers and friends.  Clearly, my responsibility for my future extends also to that of my siblings since I encourage them to pursue their dreams and aspirations as I intend to do. 

(For help with paragraph writing, see the site below. Remember to make use of transitional words, repeating some nouns as transitions sometimes)

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