The main factors influencing life are
- Abiotic factors,
- Biotic factors.
- Anthropogenic factors
Abiotic factors are all lifeless inorganic and organic elements of Biosphere (temperature, terrain, climate, soil humus, etc.). The major abiotic factors are given below.
Climatic factors
Determine adjustment, so the spreading, also limiting of the population, depending on climatic conditions (temperature, humidity, precipitation, winds blow, the intensity of sunlight, etc.).
Geographical factor
Living environment for all organisms, is directly dependent on the geographical location of their area of development (latitude, longitude, altitude).
Orographic factor
This factor, is a geographical-climatic one, caused by climatic features, depending on terrain, especially altitude, but also on the slope inclination or slope exhibition.
Geological factor
Type of rock from the ground surface and especially from the depth, determines soil properties and therefore plant development on account of which, directly or indirectly, all other living creatures are alive, including humans.
Edaphic factor
Factor characterizing the soil, in all its physical and chemical properties (pH, structure, texture, volume, etc..),having an overwhelming role for all food chains.
Biotic factors are all organic elements endowed with life of the Biosphere (bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi, plants, insects, vertebrates, etc.) and mutual relationship established between them. The role of biotic factors is essential to all organisms and populations, for in isolation, they can not survive, even if they have the most favorable conditions offered by biotic factors. Thus, through biotic factors occurs insect pollination, which ensure the perpetuation of many plant species. The existence of mushrooms - allow for many forests to exist, the optimum development of herbs leads to maintain herbivore animals, etc.
Anthropogenic factor
In environment, is involved a very stressful and complex element, namely the anthropogenic factor, ie those determined by human activity. Human, through its activities affect, very pronounced and often negative, the entire biosphere. However, there were few cases in which, through human intervention (creation of protected areas, reforestation, rational exploitation of natural resources, etc.), Nature had won. Soon or later every man will have the task of repairing what was damaged, otherwise, its very existence is jeopardized.
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