Friday, March 7, 2014

Who exactly is "The Woman" in The Death Of A Salesman?

Simply put, "the woman" is the person with whom Willy has an affair. She is set up as a contrast to Linda, particularly in the way that Willy treats them both. Throughout the play, her flashbacks are juxtaposed with scenes of tension between Linda and Willy. For example, Willy gives her a gift of nylon stockings, which were a rare luxury for women during World War II, and it is the memory of this gift that causes Willy's pangs of guilt and anger when he sees Linda mending her stockings.

Her personality is also contrasted with Linda through her laughter. It serves as a piercing, shrill, painful reminder to Willy and Biff of Willy's infidelity. Willy's affair with the Woman is further evidence of his shortcomings, and illustrates how he has failed to live up to his own image of himself as the ideal husband and father.

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