Monday, March 31, 2014

What do we learn of Macbeth's character from Act 4, Scene 3 of Macbeth?

From Act IV Sc 3 we learn that Macbeth is not only corrupt and evil but is also capable of carrying out horrendous deeds to achieve his aim.

The function of this scene is to discuss and assess the moral forces of the play before the final attack on Macbeth's corruption and treachery is set in motion. The main discussion takes place between Malcolm,the murdered king's son and heir to the throne and Macduff .a loyal nobleman. During the discussion Macduff says:

Not in the legions

Of horrid Hell can come a devil more damn'd

In evils to top Macbeth (Act IV Sc 3 L 57-59)

In his reply Malcolm says:

I grant him bloody,


Sudden,malicious,smacking of every sin

that has a name. (Act IV Sc 3 L 58-61)

The horrors of Macbeth's reign are discussed and analysed as well as the affairs of the realm. We learn that Malcolm and Macduff are both honourable men. The fact that they consider that there are no bounds Macbeth's treachery confirms to us the evil of his ways

Their conclusion is proven correct when at the end of the scene Ross announces that Macbeth has had Macduff's wife and children mercilessly murdered.

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