The simple answer: creation science believes that the universe, planet, and all life on it were created by a supreme being (God). The theory of evolution holds that all life on the planet derived from one or few common ancestors (all living things are related = common descent). In essence, life on the planet was an "accident" or normal outcome of natural processes that had no "creator" or "divine architect".
A major philosophical difference between the two ideas is creation "science" is not really a science at all. To be a science is to follow the scientific method. Make observations, form hypothesis, experiment to test hypothesis, collect data, form conclusions, publish your results so other scientists can verify them. Models or hypothesis that fit the available data and cannot be disproven are kept while other ideas are discarded.
Creation science operates in the reverse direction. The answer- "God created" is already present and assumed to be correct. Data and results are then gathered to support that answer. Any data that does not agree with this assumption is discarded or ignored. (The courts have agreed with this in legal cases involving evolution versus creation science).
Evolution, on the other hand, has to adhere to the existing rules of science and the scientific method. Any hypothesis that does not fit the data must be discarded.
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