Thursday, January 29, 2015

Advantages and disadvantages of having narrow span of management.

Span of management is also called span of control and refers to the organization of relationships between management and workers. Management span may be narrow or wide. Narrow span means that there are many mid- and top-level managers who each supervise a small number of employees reporting to them. In contrast, wide span means that there are fewer managers of mid- and top-level with each supervising a larger number of employees. Narrow span leads to a "tall" organizational structure because there is an inverse relationship between the span and the layers of hierarchy, so narrow span results in tall, multi-layered organizational structure. Conversely, wide span results in flat organizational structure with few layers. 

With this understanding of narrow span, especially contrasted with wide span, some of advantages and disadvantages are readily discernible. Advantages are:

  • close relationships between workers and employees

  • close supervision of employee tasks

  • greater supervisorial attention to employees by managers

  • possibility for more upward growth for employees

  • possibility for greater complexity of tasks for employees

Disadvantages are related to overall cost, communication, feelings of remoteness, difficulties with motivation and morale.

  • greater levels of management means greater operational costs

  • tall organization with many layers of management means less efficient communication upward and less interest in communication downward

  • lessening of employee morale and feelings of belonging

  • lower skilled, less motivated employees require more supervision

Current theory prefers wide span and suggest span based upon type and nature of organization, management requirements, employee jobs and skill levels, kinds and intensity of interaction between employees and managing supervisors.

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