Friday, January 9, 2015

Who killed candys dog?

In the short story "Of Mice and Men" Lennie goes into the stable and sees the puppies.  Lennie is very excited about the puppies that are owned by Slim. Slim is their field boss.  Lennie is attracted to things that are soft to the touch.  He likes to pet animals because of their fur.

Slim is impressed by Lennie being such a hard worker, despite Lennie's mental disabilities, and also by George's devotion to Lennie.  When he shows the puppies to Lennie and sees how much Lennie enjoys them, he promises him one.  Lennie sneaks back to pet the puppies but like he has always done in the past with small animals, he accidentally pets them too hard killing them.  He hides them under the hay so that George will not find them because he is afraid George will get made at him.

Lennie is the one who kills the puppies.

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