Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How do you translate the following into Spanish?: "She likes to play the piano, guitar, drums, and loves to sing!"

Well, since no-one else has ventured a guess, I think I'll throw my hat in the ring!:

¡Ella tiene gusto de jugar el piano, la guitarra, los tambores, y los amores para cantar!

That's the best I've got but I am pretty sure it is accurate.  I know that the spelling is correct.  "tiene gusto"=like, "jugar"=to play, "el piano, la guitarra, los tambores"=piano, guitar, drums.  "amores"=loves cantar=sing.

You're killing me a bit here because I am supposed to use at least 90 words to answer each question, and your question was so simple I am not sure which 90 words I would use in order to make my answer longer.  Oh wait, there I go!

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