Monday, January 12, 2015

Explain vibration. What are different forms of vibrations concerned with industry?This question is related with ergonomics topic Whole body Vibrations

Vibration are effects on human body which are caused by direct contact with work equipment, contact which produces oscillations or collisions (chain saws, pneumatic hammers, etc.).

Vibration at work
Vibrations are present in most environments where mechanical equipment is used.

Types of vibration

• whole-body vibration (produced by excavators, trucks, bulldozers, cars, etc. level.)
• hand-arm vibration (grinding machines, cutting wood, chain saws, hand saws, axes, drilling machines, etc..) Occupations in which the body is affected by vibrations
• Working with chain saws  • Construction worker and driller • Automotive Industry and repair tools manufacturers • Welders • Pipeline Construction • Roads and railways • Quarries In assessing the vibrations are taken into account the following aspects:
• Level of vibration, acceleration, frequency, pulse
• Duration, continuity
• vibration radiation (weight gear, power clamping device, hand position, area of exposure)
• Temperature
• Clothing In the absence of appropriate measures is difficult to estimate the level of vibration produced by gear
• Obligations of manufacturers of tools and employers on the measurement of vibration, protection of workers and information concerning the minimum safety and health relating to exposure of workers to risks arising from vibration:
-Daily exposure limit value (8 h) 5 m/s2
-Action-value limit of exp. daily (8 h) 2.5 m/s2

The effects of vibration
Short-term exposure:
• more rapid depletion
• lack of concentration
• worsening vision
Long-term exposure:
• musculoskeletal disorders-in particular problems of the spine
• blood circulation disorders, especially the fingers. Prevention effects of vibration on human body

Smoking and low temperatures are negative effects to be added vibration. • Lowering the minimum exposure
-Improving technical gear
-Minimum exposure time
-Gloves etc..
• Knowledge about the level of vibrations emitted by the new tools used
• Temperature
• Stop smoking
• Periodic medical examinations

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