Sunday, December 9, 2012

In Lord of the Flies, what are Ralph, Piggy, Simon, Jack and Roger's attitudes towards being on the island?

Ralph and Piggy both begin their stay on the island with the attitude that it will be temporary.  Ralph has no doubt initially that they will be rescued, perhaps by his pilot-father.  Both take the attitude that they should make the most of their time and create a civilization to mirror the one from whence they came, complete with leaders and rules.

Jack and Roger, on the other hand, view their time as an opportunity to be free of adulot supervision, and they begrudge Ralph's and Piggy's efforts at maintaining civility.  They take a sort of survival-of-the-fittest attitude and neglect the care of the younger boys altogether.  They do not see an end to their time on the island; as a result, they are unconcerned with the signal fire.  Instead, they worry about hunting and gradually digress to a primitive state.

Simon is, perhaps, the hardest of the boys to figure out.  He sees his role on the island as one of caregiver to the younger boys, but he does not take an active role in maintaining order.  He retreats to his hiding place in the forest in times when conflict brews.  He knows subconsciously that his ultimate purpose is one of sacrifice, and that the others will not realize what they are becoming until his sacrifice is complete.

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