The Crisis number one written by Thomas Paine while witnessing the defeat at Fort Lee, New Jersey would become the first entry in The American Crisis. Paine's use of persuasive language energized the Contential Army. Paine's infamous line 'these are the times that try men's souls'... are forever emblazened upon the American mind. Following The Crisis, Thomas Paine's Common Sense arguing in defense of independence set colonial America on fire. After reading or hearing that argument, the patriots increased their power base.
The Declaration of Independence took political ideology and transformed it into political reality. No where had the political philosophies of Locke, Rosseau, and Montequieu ever impacted a society the way they impacted the United States of America.
Classicism is rooted in the idea that man is good. Although there proves to be inconsistencies, both Paine and Jefferson hold to the classic interpretations and are willing to gamble on man's goodness. In that sense both men offer an opitmistic view of the human experience well versed in classical history.
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