Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Are there any similarities between Waiting for Godot and King Lear?Mainly to do with the "tragic vision."

There’s a good article by Normand Berlin on this at http://www.samuel-beckett.net/BerlinTraffic.html:

Berlin states (1999) that in King Lear “Shakespeare gives us an old man, powerless, lonely, an outcast in a bare landscape, filled with anguish and questions, journeying toward death. He gives us another old man, Gloucester, blind, dependent, suicidal. He gives us a young man, Edgar, disguised as a Tom o' Bedlam, naked, exposed, searching for a hovel to sleep in. (Vladimir says "admiringly" to Estragon, who luckily found a place to sleep last night, "A ditch?") It wouldn't surprise us if King Lear and the Fool-wandering on that barren heath, a landscape of life at the edge-met Didi and Gogo, and perhaps they do, in the persons of Pozzo and Lucky (para 20).

Berlin, N (1999). Traffic of our stage: Why Waiting for Godot?

The Massachusetts Review.Retrieved Novemberr 29, 2009 from http://www.samuel- beckett.net/BerlinTraffic.html

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