First, congratulations on the baptism of your child! This is certainly a reason to celebrate!!! As long as you are speaking of the Roman Catholic Church, then the answer to your question according to The Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church is "yes." This is if, and only if, the Godfather of your child is a practicing Roman Catholic and if both godparents agree to raise the child in the Roman Catholic faith should anything happen to you.
However, I should warn you that a Catholic priest can be as opinionated as the next person. Some priests refuse to do things that the Church allows, . . . but that they object to personally. Case in point: although my husband has since converted to Roman Catholicism, he was Methodist when I married him. Although the Roman Catholic Church said it was totally fine to have the Eucharist at the Mass celebrating our marriage, the priest flat-out said "no" because both parties weren't Roman Catholic. Solution: we had a good friend of ours (a Roman Catholic priest from another parish) perform the rite.
God bless you as you begin to raise your child in the midst of great faith! : ) [In understanding the sincerity of your question, I find it incredibly ironic that you chose to post your question in The Baptism group! This is simply because this one-act play is usually considered quite controversial due to its intensely adult subject matter!]
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