Monday, May 12, 2014

How does Rainsford have courage and describe how Connell shows it in the story, "The Most Dangerous Game"?

    The famed hunter, Sanger Rainsford, shows great courage throughout his ordeal with the maniacal General Zaroff on Ship-Trap Island in Richard Connell's short story, "The Most Dangerous Game." As a big game hunter, his courage has been proven in the past while stalking his deadly game. After falling off his yacht, he survives the dangerous waters and swims to shore safely. After dining with Zaroff, Rainsford dares to disagree with the Cossack,

    "I can't believe you are serious, General Zaroff. This is a grisly joke."
    "Why should I not be serious? I am speaking of hunting."
    "Hunting? Great guns, General Zaroff, what you speak of is murder... I'm a hunter, not a murderer."

    During the hunt when he has become the prey, Rainsford thinks calmly and clearly. "I will not lose my nerve. I will not." One by one, he sets his own traps for the armed Zaroff while clearly setting his primary goal: to escape alive. When he throws himself from the cliff into the rocky waters below, he knows that he may not survive. Finally, he shows the great audacity to return and turn the tables on Zaroff. A man with less courage would not have survived the game.

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