Sunday, December 6, 2015

I'm having lots of trouble writing a prologue about African Slaves going to freedom. Can you please help me?A prologue about African Slaves going...

I'm not sure I can really help you the way this question is currently worded because I'm not sure what you need and what you're trying to do.  Some questions I have for you -- if you can answer these, I (or someone else) would be more likely to be able to give you good help.

By prologue, do you mean an introduction to an essay?

What do you mean by "going to freedom?"  Do you mean escaping from slavery?

What are you trying to do in this essay?  Are you supposed to be giving facts about something?  Explaining something?

In order to help you write an introduction (if that's really what you want) it would be very helpful to know answers to these questions.

You can answer here, or you can message me.

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