Thursday, December 3, 2015

Mr Enfield’s story of Mr Hyde. How is he described to make him appear horrific? How does this link with other descriptions of Mr Hyde later?

In this story, Mr. Hyde embodies the purely evil side of the human character.  In the episode in Chapter 1 where Enfield first lays eyes on Hyde, Enfield gives a description that makes Hyde sound quite horrible.  The main points of his description are:

  • He is like a "juggernaut" a machine

  • He is very cool and calm -- shows no emotion

  • Just looking at him fills onlookers with hate and a desire to kill.

  • The looks he gives people are full of hatred.

All of these are calculated to make Hyde look inhuman and evil.  They portray him as a machine that has no emotion, no feeling of guilt for what he has done.  They make him so horrible that people can not stand to look at him without feeling hatred and revulsion.

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