Thursday, December 3, 2015

Who is the malevolent phantom in Chapter 1 of To Kill a Mockingbird?

In the book To Kill a Mockingbird Jem and Scout, Atticus' children, meet a new boy named Dill for the first time.  They tell Dill the story about Boo Radley and his house.  The Radley's have been a socially isolated family by choice.  They have two sons.  Their house is deemed as the community haunted house.  Its exterior is creepy and no one ever knows what goes on within the walls. 

Boo Radley is a simple man perhaps with a mental disability.  He is a recluse on the property.  Wild stores are told about him making him out to be a type of boogie man.  In describing the place Jem states:

"Inside the house lived a malevolent phantom" (8).

The phantom is Boo, who is kept inside the property by his brother.

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