Saturday, March 31, 2012

A moving car has kinetic energy. If it speeds up until it is going four times faster than before, how many kinetic energy does it have in...

Kinetic energy of any object is given by the formula:

kinetic energy = k = (m*v^2)/2

Where: m = mass and v = speed of the object.

If speed of car v become four time than the increased kinetic energy

= [m*(4v)^2]/2 = (m*16*v^2)/2

Since the mass of the car (m) remains same, the ratio of increased energy at 4 times he speed to original speed:

=[(m*16*v^2)/2]/[(m*v^2)/2] = 16

Thus kinetic energy will increase 16 times in comparison.

Thus alternative A) is right.

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