In William Faulkner’s short story “A Rose for Emily,” Ms. Emily is a southern born aristocrat and spinster who has fallen into poverty and isolation. As her environment she deteriorates. She is a tradition and an obligation to the town. She is a symbol of the Old South. Initially when her father dies she is in shock and alone. She refuses to believe he is dead and will not allow his body to be removed. She carries on for three days like nothing has happened. She may have talked with him about him not leaving her: telling
him that he is still well and should continue to stay well.
“When her father died, it got about that the house was all that was left to her; and in a way, people were glad.”(Faulkner)
Being left without money Miss Emily must have felt resentment against her father as well as relief. Her father had put the family at such high esteem that no suitor was considered well enough for Emily. There fore, she was still single in her thirties. Her internal monolog probably indicated that she was no longer under her father’s rule and would now make decisions as she chooses.
She meets a construction worker and has an affair with him. Her internal monolog to her father may have been. “See father, I can now date who I want, and do what I want and you can’t stop me.” When he prepares to leave her behind, her monolog to her father may have been, “Stop it. I know what you are thinking. I am not good enough for him. Quit telling me “I told you so.”
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