Thursday, March 29, 2012

What is the recommended "colored" diet, and on what principles is based?

"Colored" Diet  is a healthy diet, especially one for cancer prevention. Is not particularly a diet to lose weight. It warns against sugar and fat, promote exercise and encourages consumption of balanced portions of healthy food, also a person who follows this diet, it may lose weight. Diet author is Dr. David Heber, UCLA Manager of Center for Human Nutrition.
Foods allowed
Any food that is highly colored, can be consumed. The author refers, of course, to the tomatoes intense red colored, not red meat. The basic idea is to eat as many fruits and vegetables.

They are permitted:

- Soybean

- chicken white meat
- Egg

- Fruits and vegetables

- Whole grain

- Popcorn (prepared in air)

- Olive oil or avocado.
Diet Principles 

This diet is based on the principle that food colors signify not only that the food looks good, but that the nutrients present different colors. The more intense a certain color of a food, the more content in certain nutrients is higher .
Basic principles are:
- Red: these foods contain Lycopene, which reduces the risk of cancer, examples of foods that contain it: tomatoes, watermelon, red grapefruit;
- Dark red, purple: grapes, red wine, strawberries, blueberries and red apples;
- Orange: foods containing alpha and beta-carotene, which facilitate intercellular communication and slow the progression of cancer, examples: carrots, mango juice, sweet potatoes;
- Orange / yellow: These foods contain vitamin C which protect cells and one of the many carotenoids, which Heber recommend them, examples: oranges, tangerines, papaya and nectarines 
 - Yellow-green: they are rich in carotenoids such as Lutein and Zeaxanthin, which contributes to eye health; examples: spinach and other greens, yellow corn, green peas and avocado
- Green: foods containing  isothiocyanate  which stimulates liver cells to synthesize certain ingredients that fight cancer, caused by chemicals, examples: broccoli, sprouts Burxelles, bok choy and kale (in the mustard)
- White / Green: These foods contain flavonoids that protect cell membranes, examples: garlic, onion, celery, white wine, endive and chives.
Note that:
It is harmful to eat too much of anything, even colored fruit. Herber prohibits the consumption of food with butter or margarine, preferring moderate amounts of olive oil or avocado. Those who are frightened when they hear that it has to eat from 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day should start gradually. You can add some bananas and strawberries to cereal when eating in the morning. At lunch we can choose an intensely colorful salad as a additional portion in place of potatoes or pasta.

Prohibited foods

They are prohibited:

-Meat high in fat content

- Whole eggs

- Butter and margarine

- Farmed salmon.

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