This scene is of great significance in the play
Firstly:Romeo and Juliet declare their love for each other. He abandons his former adolescent and unrequited love for Rosaline and falls deeply and passionatly in love with Juliet. Before Romeo met Juliet he was in a very meloncholic and depressed mood. Romeo feels as if he has never truly loved anyone till now. It is as if Romeo has just come back to life. Juliet falls in love for the first time and reacts affectionatly an sincerly to Romeos attempts to woo her. Romeos love is extravagant , idealistic and romantic. He uses religious an poetic language in wooing Juliet. He woos Juliet by acting the part of a pligrim at a shrine of a saint and asking her premmision to kiss her. Romeo and Juliet have found a love more wonderful than they expected and their love for each other is just as strong and absolute as the other's but the effects of their passion on each differ.
Secondly:When Juliet discovers that Romeo is a Montague, her happiness in her new found love is shattered. Because of this Juliet feels as if tragic consequences ar in place for them in the future. When Tybalt recongnises Romeo as a Montague he feels insulted and Tybalt attempts to revive the fued by challenging Romeo to fight. Tybalts vows revenge on Romeo for this insult and an outbreak of old rivalries threatens Romeo's new-found love. Thus we are prepared for a crisis since love and hate, peace and volience vie for supremacy in this scene.
*sorrry, i didnt put in any qoutes. :)
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