Monday, March 12, 2012

Compare between the theme and the Russian Revolution in the light of the novel.

I'm afraid I do not really understand your question well, but I will try to give an answer.

The revolution of the animals in the book is meant to parallel the Russian Revolution in many ways.

In both cases, the revolutions are led by people who claim to be acting on behalf of the masses.  But after they gain power, their actions do not really show this.  They try to take more and more power for themselves (as Napoleon does in the book).

In both the book and in real life, they do this by lying to the people.  They tell them everything is good when it's not.  They also do it by manipulating the people -- they tell them that they (the people) must support the Revolution or they will go back to the bad old ways.  They also keep power by intimidating the people, even to the point of killing ones who go against them.

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