Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Explain, using the Meredith Kercher – US vs UK media reports below as an example, the ways in which the media demonstrates a...

One of the major influences on what the media reports and how it reports it is the tastes of its customers.  In other words, the media gives the consumers what they want to hear or read.

In the case of Meredith Kercher, the media of the UK and the US, respectively, take the sides of their own nationals because that is what their publics want to hear.

Looking at the first and the last of the links posted above, you can see this dynamic at work.  In The Mirror, only the Kerchers' side of the story is presented, in CNN, only Knox's side is presented.  The Mirror's story has many facts that tend to imply Knox's guilt while the CNN story presents facts and interpretations that tend to exonerate her.  Bias is thus shown by what facts are shown in the articles and what opinions are presented.

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