Friday, October 10, 2014

Why did Curley's Wife marry Curley?John Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men"

In John Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men," little is known of Curley's wife other than the fact that she is from Salinas.  One evening when she enters the stables and Crooks's room, she talks to Lennie and Crooks.  She tells them that she had aspirations of becoming an actress; her hopes were dashed, however, when her mother forbade her to run off with a young man who was an actor.  From Salinas, a name that connotes loneliness, Curley's wife met him at a dance:

So I married Curley.  Met him out to the Riverside Dance Palace that same night.

At first she was impressed with Curley's physical prowess.  But, now, she is tired of his pugnacious way of talking about the next person he will beat or punch:

I'm glad you bust up Curley a little bit.  He got it comin' to him.  Sometimes I'd like to bust him, myself.

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