Friday, October 10, 2014

Which of the following is another name for a convex lens?

A convex lens is the most commonly seen lens.  A convex lens is round shaped and is usually made out of clear class or plastic.  It is concave in shape and is often used with a Concave Lens.  It is used to make things larger by bending lights rays so that they move together.  They are called three types of lenses positive lenses, plus lenses ,and converging lenses.

 “Concavo-convex lenses have another name—positive meniscus.”

 Convex lenses are used to treat people who are nearsighted.  Their glasses often have a convex lens. They have one convex surface and one concave surface. Between the two, the glasses can bend the light just the right amount before it gets to your eyes.
A fracting telescope uses two such lenses to allow magnification of images. 

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