On the basis of immunity stands protection substances formation, called antibodies.
Antibodies are complex chemicals which are produced by the human body, in response to the sliding in the blood of many foreign substances (antigens) such as germs, viruses, parasites, etc.. Also, antibodies are formed when in the body enter (by digestive or injections) different substances such as serums and vaccines. Antibody production begins immediately after penetration of foreign substance (antigen) in the body, but it must pass 7-10 days after contact with antigen that the body to produce enough antibodies to fight the disease and to be found using laboratory analyzes.
Antibodies are specific for each pathogen for each disease, they persisting in the body even after curing the disease, months and years, sometimes for life.
Antibodies are witnessing a past infection (natural immunization) or vaccination (artificial immunization ). These antibodies are found in blood, urine, milk, body tissue, etc. where they can be put in evidence by immunological analysis. Thus, putting in touch, in a tube, the antibodies from the serum with antigen prepared in the laboratory ,ocurres an antigen-antibody reaction, which is visible with the opened eyes, by various laboratory techniques.
Since the blood antibody is taken from blood serum of sick or healthy man, the analyzes are also called serological. In some cases of diseases, knowing the specific antibodies, it can be analyzed and found the antigen, which is unknown.
So it is handled in the laboratory, in diagnosis of influenza, viral hepatitis (A antigen), etc..Immunological analysis are based on immunological reaction (union) of the specific antigen and specific antibodies in serum, which is investigating.
Antigen-antibody reaction can be made either on the tube or on human skin. These tests are made for detection of those diseases where is not possible to highlight the disease-causing pathogen (germ, virus, etc.), for some reasons.In the diseases caused by viruses (influenza, measles, mumps, polio, hepatitis, etc.), immunological analysis investigates traces of disease, namely antibodies.
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