Sunday, October 26, 2014

How to diagnose and treat sciatica?


Sciatica is diagnosed by a targeted history and a impartial exam. The family doctor will interview the patient about symptoms. Even though the doctor may be able to diagnose sciatica based on history and physical examination, sometimes an X-ray or an MRI of the spine column, are needed to confirm the diagnosis.


In many cases, sciatica will improve and will disappear by itself, gradually. Initial treatment focuses on medicines and exercises to relieve pain.

Pain can be relieved  by:

-putting an ice bag in the middle lumbar (lower portion of the back)

-avoid sitting position (unless it is more comfortable than standing)

-alternating laying in bed with short walks , walking distance being increased as the pain allows

- use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen (Advil) .

Treatment alternatives for sciatica, depend on causes which irritated the nerve. If symptoms do not improve, the GP may recommend:


-infiltration with corticosteroids

-or surgical treatment in severe cases.

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