Thursday, February 4, 2016

Convert to a percent: 23/25

To convert 23/25 into percent:

The working rule: Multiply 23 by 100 and divide the result by 25 you get the rqured percentage . 23*100/25 =2300/25 =92%


A percentage is nothing but what is the numerator of the equivlent fraction whose denominator is 100.

If you multiply the numerator by a number and multiply denominator  by that same number you get the equivalent fraction as below:

23/25,   23*2/(25*2) =46/50,   23*3/(25*3)=69/75,   23*4/(25*4)=92/100, 23*5/(25*5)=115/125,   23*6/(25*6)=138/150 etc are all its equivalent fractions and their value is equal to 23/25.

Among these equivalent fractions, the numerator 92 of  the fraction, 92/100 when the denomonator is 100, is called the percentage equivalent to the fraction 23/25.

The calculation is done simply as follows:

23/25 = (23/25)*100 %= 2300/25=92%

Hope this helps.

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