Before Odysseus begins his tale in Alcinous's court, he attempts to warn the king of the dangers of associating with him or even knowing his name. Once the Phaecians deposit Odysseus (in secret) on the shores of Ithaca, Poseidon does, indeed, wreak havoc upon them.
Teiresias has many warnings for Odysseus during their visit in Hades: the suitors threatening his family and kingdom, the cattle of Helios, the dangers of Scylla and Charybdis.
Odysseus's own mother, Anticlea, warns that Penelope cannot hold out against the suitors much longer.
Athena warns Telemachus against returning home as the suitors lay in ambush for him.
Odysseus warns Eurycleia to keep the women locked in their chambers (for safety) and not to emerge no matter what they hear.
Calypso warns Odysseus that if he chooses to leave the island he will suffer (further) at the hands of Poseidon.
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