Friday, February 5, 2016

How long it takes for the stone to fall to the water? Answer in units of s. With what speed does the stone strike the water? Answer in units of...

The stone has a movement which can be resolved in a horizontal and vertical movement.

The vertical component of movement consists a continuously accelerating movement starting at 0 and accelerating at 9.81 m/s^2.

The stone hits the water surface when it has travelled 62 m vertically.

We know: t = (2s/a)^(1/2)

where t = time of travel, s = distance travelled, and a = acceleration.

Therefore: t = (2*62/9.81)^(1/2) = 3.5553 s (approximately)

Vertical component of speed of the stone then it hits the water

= a*t = 9.81*3.5553 = 34.8774 m/s

Speed of the stone when it hits the water =

= [(horizontal component of speed)^2 + (vertical component of speed)^2]^1/2

= (34.8774^2 + 14^2)^1/2 = 37.5824 m/s (approximately)


The stone takes 3.5553 s to fall to water.

The stone strikes the water with sped of 37.5824 m/s.

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