Monday, February 22, 2016

Do you agree with the Native that argument that supports immigrants should not be allowed in the US?

This question is not very clearly worded, so I'm not sure what you are really asking, but I'll give it a shot.

First of all, I don't agree that immigration should be completely closed off.  Legal immigration provides us with a lot of motivated people who come here and contribute to our economy in many ways.  Also, bringing people in from other countries contributes to our ability as a people to identify with and understand the viewpoints of other countries.

However, it is also easy to see the downsides of immigration.  A homogeneous society is one that can be more cohesive.  When we all speak the same language and have the same culture, it is easier for us to identify with one another.  Having a melting pot society makes for more social tension than we would otherwise have.

If this answer is not in line with what you need, please restate your question.

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