Tuesday, February 9, 2016

In To Kill a Mockingbird when Scout tries to spare Walter Cunningham any further humiliation, what does Miss Caroline do to her?

This scene in Chapter 2 is another example of Scout's outspokenness and naivety, Miss Caroline's inexperience, and Walter Cunningham's pride.

When Miss Caroline continues to try to force Walter to take lunch money, Scout finally steps in (at the request of another student in the class) and explains that even though Walter might be a poor Cunningham, he doesn't take anything from anybody.  Miss Caroline does not appreciate this because she is now embarrassed that she humiliated one of her students and so

"she stood stock still, then grabbed [Scout] by the collar and hauled [her] back to her desk" (21).

She then smacks Scout on the hand with a ruler and makes her stand in the corner.

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