In Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery," Tessie is reluctant to join in the traditional drawing. For, she arrives late making the trivial excuse that she did not want to leave the dishes in the sink. That she is reluctant to come to this drawing is apparent. Probably, she would be in favor of quitting the lottery as Mrs. Adams mentions that some places have done so.
When Bill Htchinson draws a paper, he stares at it:
Suddenly Tessie Hutchinson shouted to Mr. Summers, 'You didn't give him time enough to take any paper he wanted. I saw you. It wasn't fair!'
Even her husband tells her to "Shut up," indicating that Tessie has been struggling with the concept of the lottery. Yet, she also is thinking only of herself as she demands that her daughter and son-in-law draw also, although her request is denied. Again, she demands that the drawing be redone, claiming it was not "fair." She does not want to be the scapegoat, the victim.
Tessie's two conflicts are that she does not want to participate in the drawing because she fears the consequences and she does not think it is fair when she becomes the victim. She questions the need for her involvement in tradition as well as the cruelty to her with unconcern for even her family.
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